? #1 |
All Pro Poster ?Join Date: Mar 2006 Posts: 18,102 |
Ted Cruz wants to be president.... not of Canada, where he was born, of the U.S. Now of course, it's a hilarious fact that pubbies wanted to full-on change the constitution so Ahnold could run (there were even rumbles of it for Kissinger.) The good Mr. Cruz just wants to interpret "natural born citizen" to mean "born of an American mother." I mean, now that it's convenient. PolitiFact | Is Ted Cruz eligible under the Constitution to become president? It's always been the case, by the way, that even if Obama was born abroad -- which we know he wasn't -- it may not matter. You have to nail down what "natural born" means, and having an American parent has always been respected as proof of citizenship in other cases; and it was "natural-born," because you didn't have to do paperwork, take a test, take the big public ceremonial oath, etc. But you know... the hypocrisy thing? Birther Hypocrisy- Right Wing Has No Problem With Canadian Born Senator Ted Cruz Running For President - Forbes Spin away, PFnV |
? #2 | |
____Moderator____ ?Join Date: Sep 2004 Posts: 32,445 |
Just speaking of the technicality if Obama had not been born in the USA ... which he was. I think the law may be different now ... not sure and I don't feel like checking speaking of some of these technicalities ... you would think the law would be clarified for the future? Just saying ... we are a potpourri of citizens now and it will continue further. |
? #3 |
Hall of Fame Poster ?Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: Boston Posts: 25,429 |
I don't know the details of Cruz' birth, but if he was born in Canada, then I'd say he isn't eligible. End of story. I would like the issue to be settled once and for all, or clarified if u will, with respect to what "Natural Born" is. I will say that anyone who is born to US parents who are serving their nation overseas, alla John McLame, should be considered natural born. We shouldn't penalize servicemen and women, for serving their country overseas. The base should be an extension of the US basically. The same would apply to an ambassador giving birth for example. I don't think the Cruz deal was anything like this, so sorry pal. The rules are the rules, and I think this is an important one. __________________To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. "The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him." |
? #4 |
Hall of Fame Poster ?Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: Boston Posts: 25,429 |
BTW, I think you can see how FOS a lot of people on both sides are with this issue. Obama supporters would support whatever keeps/qualifies Obama to be president, while Cruz supporters would do the same. The very people who probably argued every angle against Obama, are likely to defend Cruz. The people who blindly supported Obama, are likely to push Cruz' ineligibility. Such is partisanism, if that's even a word. __________________To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. "The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him." |
? #5 |
All Pro Poster ?Join Date: Mar 2006 Posts: 18,102 |
now you know "potpourri" again (and now I do too... I am sure I'd have to check it too.) This is why I like looking stuff up and it always warms my heart to see others doing so... it makes people smahter. Granted, the spelling of potpourri isn't going to cure what ails society... but clearing out the cobwebs and just looking up the facts sure can help our national level of brainpower. And by cobwebs I also mean the crazy train sources that we all know we look to for "infotainment." So yay for potpourri PFnV |
? #6 | |
All Pro Poster ?Join Date: Mar 2006 Posts: 18,102 |
I see differences in the extent, prevalence, and absurdity of the two camps, but I think clearly the left will have a lot of fun with the Cruz situation. Right now, they're having fun with the hypocrisy, not coming out and saying "WHERE'S YOUR U.S. BIRTH CERTIFICATE" in earnest. But how well will that hold up if he does decide he's going to run for president? Truth is, it would be nice to clarify outside the circus of an election. But the "deciders" would be the Supreme Court, and you'll only have a test case with the next candidacy. Last time they had nothing to rule on, because there was no reason to think Obama was born abroad (you can't say "cuz it said so on Rush" to the Supreme Court. Okay, maybe Thomas and Alito. But not the whole court.) So yeah, I can see an opponent making the same whole argument against Cruz, and making the point that hey, this is different -- we know he was born abroad (like McCain). Given that righties have been for it in the past, I actually don't know why you need to be "natural born," whatever that means. I could see amending that one to "a U.S. citizen for the entirety of his/her adult life." That gets your military kids in, and it allows for people who for all intents and purposes have been Americans their whole adulthood -- who've shown, in other words, that they pick the U.S. Why's it important that they be born to this or that person or this or that place? People have no control over that. How about judging their patriotism by what they put into it, for those who chose to be American? PFnV |
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