Monday, June 10, 2013

Code d'Odalisque - Contemporary Pleasure Slaves: Right to a pet

An odalisque enjoys many privileges compared to low slaves (memlooks). One of these is that she is permitted to keep a pet. Ordinarily, this is not a right accorded to a slave. A slave is a pet - a slave doesn't have pets of their own. But odalisques have been raised above the level of common slaves. They are special slaves, specially preserved for their beauty for erotic use. Unlike low slaves, they are given their own room (an odella) and enjoy other privileges such as being able to eat at table with her Master. She is also allowed to own a pet. This is a concession made to her. She can share her captivity with a pet. The Code is specific. It says:

10.47. - The right to a pet

An odalisque has the right to have a pet such as a cat or a bird.

The fact that cats and birds are mentioned is accidental. (Most of the Code was constructed for use by a particular cohort of players in the 1990s and the women concerned liked cats and birds.) Other pets - dogs, fish, hamsters - are acceptable too. A leopard? A lion? A bird of prey? Romantic, but a kitten is probably more practical.?

Of course, it goes without saying that all of the rules of good pet ownership apply. A slave's pet should not cause the slave's Master any trouble. The best pet is one that provides company to the slave but is otherwise inconspicuous and low maintenance. A pet should be an adornment, not a hassle. A pet should fit into the other aspects of the odalisque's life. Since an odalisque is kept by her Master, the costs of the slave's pet are to be met by her Master.?


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