When you are registered on an online dating website and get sent a smile or kiss notification that someone likes you, you check that they are a match for you too. If they are, then you can send them a smile or kiss notification back or this is where you need to type up your first message for online dating. If this is your first time doing this then it may be a bit daunting so I'm going to share some tips for some great responses.
When I am about to type up my first message, I pull up both my profile and the profile of the person I am sending the message to. This way I can see our similarities that I can write about. If they like tennis, then I might ask them about tennis and tell them my story of when I was learning tennis when I was young, or how I like to watch the tennis championships on TV.
I also like to put in some humour and sarcasm, while being honest and being myself. For example if they like fishing, I would say "So, you enjoy being every fishes worst nightmare". You can tell I don't like fishing, but something along those lines. Or maybe comment on their height. If they are tall, say something like: Wow, you really need to grow a bit more don't you, maybe you can reach up to the cookie jar for me?
Depends how much is written on their profile as well. This could also be a great question to ask in the first message for online dating. If they don't have much written on their profile you could say: I noticed you haven't written much about yourself or what you look for in a partner, are you able to elaborate on that now? Also give examples to help them out if they are shy. Like do you enjoy cooking? Then you can refer to a story you might have about cooking. I'm a great cook, I've cooked....etc. Or, I've tried cooking and seem to need some help with it as I nearly burned the place down.
So make sure you ask them questions, that way it's easier for them to reply to your message, they have some questions that they can answer. Also tell stories about yourself relating to why you asked the question, or stories expanding on what you already have on your profile. People like stories and tend to remember them in relation to people too. Also make sure the first message is more than a few lines. Show that you are genuinely interested and would like to know more about that person and show that you are open to sharing more about yourself.
Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/online-dating/first-message-for-online-dating
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